Focus Areas
Enterprise Engineering
Our senior consultants are experienced with every aspect of running a DoD enterprise network. This very rare breadth of expertise proves invaluable to senior officials responsible for overseeing entire IT acquisition and sustainment programs.
Inspection Support
Our professionals have a proven track record of turning around networks that have chronically failed security inspections. We support CSI, CCRI and red team audit preparation.
Certification and Accreditation
Our staff are experts on every aspect of the DIACAP process including DISA STIG (Security Technical Implementation Guide) evaluation, ACAS scanning, and package preparation. Many of our professionals have had previous positions in the office of the Designated Accreditation Authority reviewing DIACAP packages for quality.
Information Technology
From engineering robust IT solutions to managing a service desk for on demand support, our professionals run the gamut of IT service delivery.
Support Environments
Navy Continuous Training Environment
Synthetic technologies have revolutionized the armed forces ability to simulate battle scenarios in a virtual space. Military exercises no longer require deployed assets to facilitate a valuable training experience. Today’s virtual war space enables our troops to engage in any scenario from any location. The powerful capabilities of a distributed synthetic training environment are only realized through the engineering and sustainment of a very complex network. Reliant Technologies plays a lead role in advancing the scope and capabilities of the Navy Continuous Training Environment (NCTE). Reliant professionals leveraged past experiences on other DOD enterprise environments to transform NCTE from a legacy training network to the United States Navy’s Enterprise Training Network.
Navy Marine Corps Intranet
Reliant consultants have considerable expertise in all aspects of the largest network in the world, the Navy Marine Corps Intranet. Reliant’s current NMCI focus involves analyzing the technical and business impact of integrating other networks into NMCI. In past positions, our consultants have held leadership positions in the management of this enterprise. While on NMCI, they made measurable impacts in improving its performance and security.
Training Range Networks
Reliant professionals are currently working to identify the enterprise consolidation potential for live Navy training range networks. This analysis is aimed at identifying cost savings and security and capability benefits.
Intelligence Community Efforts
Reliant delivers a range of IT services to the intelligence community. Our professionals have the appropriate credentials, skillsets and background to support these projects.